SSU Social
- 1 min Point of the app:
To create something superior, unique and exclusive.
What it will do
Supplement communication at SSU level
For events such as Orion, departments, clubs and the Student Council, it will provide a platform. But this is boring, the interesting part comes in later versions.
Timeline || Roadmap
Start learning flutter and create the app from scratch so you totally understand everything important and can add/remove features at will
Version 1
Edit design for SSU social and launch for some close friends and take in ideas for improvements and usage
- change colour scheme to red brown and logo to SSU social
- change logo-icons by just a bit, with almost same
- change UI to a slight different style, like maybe center the profile page
Version 2
Add the SUBREDDITS feature which allows for creation of subreddits, some can be used for official updates, wikis and posts per department and for events.
Version 2.1
Login from gmail ssu only
- username, image, year and department
- no personal pages, only settings option. We follow the policy, speak where you will be heard
Version 2.2
What’s happening column for official updates and information
There is no retweet option, you can just mention someone who you want them to see, perhaps mentions can have a different style of showing so that it doesn’t look weird just mentioning someone and not saying anything, but that could be there personal problem
Base app complete Everyone knows and the administration accepts. Now,
Version 3
Now cool features for students, if anyone objects then I will create a seperate app
Additional features taken from everyone
- Polls in tweets
- Maps and locations, allows for treasure hunt
- Nerve: Truth and Dare
- Petitions
- Anonymous posts
- Speed dating
- Hosting long competitions and showing ranking and updates here
- integrate easily with google meet for easy video calls
- And much much more </span>